Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Marvel Civil War

Yeah, I know I'm a bit late for this. But who cares? I'm finally back into comics and I managed to get my hands on Civil War before starting Avengers.

For those who don't know, Civil War is a Marvel story arc that pits the super heroes of that very universe against each other. Why? Well, there's a particular incident that causes the heroes to take sides. One side would be in favor of serving as public service heroes, but would have to make their identities public as well since they will work for the community. The other team, were the heroes who wanted nothing to do with this initiative and remain independent and fight for their own reasons.

The end result? Massive chaos and dissension between the heroes of the Marvel universe.

This story arc was purely brilliant. You try to take a side, but can't find yourself to do so after some time. The suspense will keep you going until you realize you've finished the whole book and hunger for more. And what's not to like? It's the heroes going against each other!

Then again, Avengers VS X-Men is bringing that concept back too. So I guess I know which new story I'm gonna be following next.

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